"The Black Panthers"...

Level 11:  65,311 / 66,000xp

    Once dawned, the panther masks acquired in Dalbinth's hoard, shall forever garnish your notoriety in the annals of Faerun.  Bards  will eternally
expound on the exploits, chronicle the crusades,  portray the pains, journal the journeys, and croon the quests of the infamous...


When first we met our intrepid adventurers...

    Unbeknownst to them, five adventurers converged in the small trade town of Oakhurst in the Ride, located far north of the civilized areas of Faerun.  A string of events started that linked them on a quest to cleanse an area that Oakhurst townsfolk know as The Sunless Citadel.  The unlikely companions seemed doomed to fail.  With ethea as divergent as theirs, they surely would not have willingly consorted with each other.  Fate had a strange twist that day when goblins raided Oakhurst, starting the cascade of events that pitted these soon-to-be heroes against The Gulthias, a threat to all of Faerun.

Belros Milner - Half-elf Paladin of Corellon; sent to Oakhurst to rescue Sir Bradford, who was sent to cleanse the Sunless Citadel.

Elexan Eladarth - Human Cleric of Lathander; sent to deliver Dawnbringer, a relic of Lathander, to a temple in Oakhurst; but not before the Vampire Lord Ambrogio vowed to hunt him down for stealing it.

Searos Stoneslinger - Halfling Rogue; a member of a traveling circus that setup for a show while passing through Oakhurst.

Finwe Calaleen - Elf Monk; torn between the life a druid and the soltude of a monk; he found that as a monk the bow and arrow suited him most.  Um, Yeah.

Alostar Cursal -  Elf Sorcerer; feared by his kin for his erratic shows of potent magic and finally banished for his questionable use of it, he found himself traveling far north with a small following he self named The Church of Cursal.

Send in the Clowns...

     They found themselves drawn into a bloody whirlwind of chaos at a circus outside of Oakhurst.  While many Oakhurst citizens perished at the goblin slaughter-fest; in the end our heroes were able to repel the goblin raid.  There victory came at great cost to Searos Stoneslinger, his adoptive parents Grayson and Damien fell to the goblins.  The only member of the circus left was Drake who took over as ringmaster, but not before gifting the Daggerfell Bracers to Searos.  
    After seeing the heroes' display of battle prowess, one of the merchant nobles, Kerowyn Hucrele, approached them with a request to find her two of her family members that ventured into the Sunless Citadel several weeks ago and never returned.  She asked them to meet her at the Ol Boar Inn in the morning to discuss details.

Into the Citadel...

    They agreed to help Kerowyn Hucrele by venturing into the Sunless Citadel and learning the fate of her family members.  After descending deep into a ravine they stand in front of the ruined gateway of the dark and foreboding castle

Unlikely Allies...

    During their adventures through the dark citadel they came upon a lowly kobold by the name of Meepo.  In a show of compassion they spared Meepo and in return Meepo agreed to grant them an audience with Yusdrayl, the kobold tribe leader.  Although initially hostile, they befriended Yusdryl and agreed to find and return their pet dragon, Calcryx.  As a reward they would be granted safe passage and be given an arcane key that can open a magic door with the relief of a dragon carved in it.  
    They must must now venture forth, deeper into the citadel where the goblins and other unknown horrors lurk.

Goblin Battles...

    During their mission to find Calcryx, they found a beaten and bloodied gnome.  After rescuing him, they learned that he was Erky Timbers, a member of the party that came into the citadel with the Hucreles.  Shortly after, Searos learned the perils of encountering a foe beyond his strength without allies to back him up.
    After battling and slaying the Goblin Chief, Durnn, they found a signet ring belonging to one of  the Hucreles; they also learned that Durnn slew the Hucrele in a fit of rage before sending the other down into the Twilight Grove at the request of the evil Druid Belak.  They must now decide if they want to investigate the mystery of the dragon priest sarcophagus or venture deeper into the Twilight Grove.
    After that glorious battle defeatign the goblins, they ventured from Durnn's chamber to find the only kobold survivors to be Meepo & Calcryx.
    Behind the magical door they found an entombed dragon priest from the ancient dragon cult that once inhabited this citadel.  The dragon priest woke from his long rest in stasis eager to kill.  After destroying the dragon priest they were then able to venture past the previously unpassable wall of fire and learn the fate of another of the adventurers that set off with the Hucreles.  It appears the ranger was trapped and what left of his remains have been picked away by nearby cave rats.

The Twilight Grove...

     After another night resting in the lair previously inhabited by kobolds, they venture down into the Twilight Grove.  Mysterious luminescent fungus line many of the walls and ceilings.  They came upon a passage that was lined with smooth circular holes riddling the walls.  Later learning that those holes were created by a Thoqqua, a large burrowing worm creature that can melt the rock around it.  Further into the grove level they fond a library containing much of Belak's research and other tomes containing old draconic lore.
    They found Belak's Grove surrounded by many scraggly trees, most of which looked very similar to the Twig Blights they had encountered earlier.  As they approached Belak's lair, they caught their first sight of a Gulthias Tree.  Soon afer, Finwe crit'ed the shit out of Belak as an amazing opening move.  Sharwyn Hucrele was there, haveing been turned into a supplicant of Gulthias, she had not choice but to obey the Will of Gulthias and fight the heroes.  Belros found the answers to his question of what happened to Sir Bradford; turned into a Supplicant of Gulthias.
    After defeating Sir Bradford in fair combat, Belros Milner relieved the disgraced paladin of the Tabard of Glory he was wearing, vowing never to give into the Will of Gulthias. 

Back in Oakhurst...

    In the end they were able to subdue Sharwyn Hucrele and Sir Bradford.  After a lengthy discussion it was decided to burn down the Gulthias Tree as it was inherently evil and destroying it may cure the supplicants, it did not.  The Temple of Lathander agreed to hold Sharwyn and Sir Bradford while they searched for a cure.
    When they arrived at the Hucrele estate they learned that the Wemics, a tribe of half man half lion barbarians, sacked the town two days ago and only abducted Kerowyn Hucrele for unknown reasons.
    Then it was off to track down their reward by finding the Wemics that took Kerowyn.  Karakas, the ranger, agreed to be there guide as he also wanted to save his cousin Kerowyn.  Eventhough he appeared to be a drunkard, he was the best option they had and they set out tracking the Wemic Barbarians with a hungover but hopefully capable Karakas in the lead.

The Wemic Barbarians...

    On the road to Wemic lands, they were sidetracked by a destroyed caravan.  Tracks resembling a large bird led them away to the south.  In the foothills of the Dragonspine Mountains they found a nest of achaierai, a large bird from the outer planes.  In his endless quest to purge Faerun of evil, Belros Milner ruthlessly slaughtered the helpless evil fledglings in there nest.  They also vanquished the mother achaierai responsible for the death of the caravan members.
    In there venture to rescue Kerowyn Hucrele, they found themselves wrapped up in a wemic coup to overthrow the chief.  After being captured by the evil wemic Mizhuitl, they allied themselves with a younger wemic, Catlal, who become the wemic chief after you helped him foil the coup.
    Afterwards, you found out that Kerowyn Hucrele was given to the Gray Guard from Whitehorn, who had a bounty on her and Belak the Outcast for there involvement with The Gulthias. Now you’re off to Whitehorn to speak with the Gray Guard in regards to Kerowyn.


    It had been a long time since being in a city as large as Whitehorn.  For several of the adventurers a city this large and this for to the north seemed a bit shocking.  If the warring tribes in the Ride were to ever be united, Whitehorn would certainly be the capitol.  Consisting mostly of humans from the Zhentarim controlled lands to the south, the primary function of this city is to regulate the flow of precious metals mined by the Iceaxe dwarves in the northern mountain range.  Being a trade city, law is the governing rule here, many have sought refuge from there previous lives in this northern realm.  Although the city is governed by the wealthy trade families, the Gray Guard are the undisputed power in Whitehorn; and the trade families pay them well to keep the city in a state of law and order.
    Being the most prominent structure in the city, the adventurers quickly found the Gray Guard Temple where they learned more of Kerowyn Hucrele's misdeeds and of here alliance with Belak the Outcast and The Gulthias.  The Gray Guard were able to guide them on there quest to find a cure for Gulthias Supplicancy and recommended they try speaking with the elves in the Border Forest village of Nimthor.  They also warn the group of the increased danger of venturing into the Border Forest; recently the largest city of elves, Aldarith, in the forest was lain siege by aberrations and a sect of evil elven druids known as The Gulthias.  The city of Aldarith was lost and anyone that dared go back has yet to return.


    The was sun setting as the adventurers arrived in Nimthor.  Something terrible happened there, signs of a powerful magic battle marked the buildings and surrounding trees.  As far as the they could tell no villagers remained and the only one stone building stood to provide any shelter, it was a temple to Silvanus.  After a thorough search of the temple they found a mysterious portal, at which point they were confronted by Netheral, who simply walked right out of the stone wall.  Netheral was beaten and bloody, no apparent threat to the party.  He was a very dark man, darker than anyone they had ever met, for he was from the City of Shade in Anaurach.  He was on a quest to find a specific scroll when his band was waylaid by a beholder.  Netheral barely escaped with his life by shadow striding and taking refuge in this temple.  After some discussion the group agreed to allow Netheral to join them as it seemed both there quests could be linked to The Gulthias.  With that resolved they decided to pass through the portal into a remote druidic grove, populated with many oak blights, a larger variation of the twig blight.  On the other end of the grove a solitary building stood with another Gulthias Tree growing out of the middle of it.  Inside the building they found many various druidic scripts relating to The Gulthias, including the scroll Netheral was seeking.  They learned that eating a midsummer fruit seed would remove supplicancy and eating a midwinter seed would cause a Gulthias tree to grow from within you.  Also, they learned The Gulthias is an ancient sect of Aldarith elves charged with guarding the location of the Aldarith Tree to ensure that Moander, a wicked deity imprisoned by the Aldarith elves ages ago, could never rise again and bring his corruption into Faerun.  As soon as they touched the scroll a huge tree guardian awoke to stop them.  A dangerous battle ensued with the guardian grappling the party.  Fortunately Netheral's potent fire spells were able to quickly take down the guardian.  Upon exiting the temple they found the source of this village's destruction, the beholder that attacked Netheral.  The group fled from it all through the night into the next morning, arriving back in Whitehorn exhausted, but with info about The Gulthias.

Netheral Coitus - Human Shade Warmage; came from the City of Shade on a quest to recover a scroll that contains information on finding the location of the Aldarith Spear, an ancient weapon crafted for battling divine powers.


Mangle the Assassin...

    Back in the safety of Whitehorn the adventurers went about there businsess.  Searching for gear to help them on there quest and informing the Gray Guard of what they learned in Nimthor.  While in the market a small girl pick-pocketed them and fled into the sewers, but not before Finwe instinctively stuck an arrow into her leg, hindering her.  Pursuing her through the trap laden sewers proved to be quite difficult.  After a difficult chase, they finally caught her, and she began crying.  Begging them to let her go.  Her sister had become ill and she was just trying to pay for a cleric's healing spells.
    After agreeing to help her, she told them of the other dark man that approached her and agreed to pay her a significant sum if she would acquire the scroll case that Netheral was carrying.  Knowing that the other dark man was soon to return, the group laid in wait, ready to confront this new foe.  Leaving Netheral to wonder who could possibly have been sent to steal the scroll case he fought so hard to acquire.
    To Netheral's surprise it was Mangl, the assassin son of his father's brother.  The group quickly subdued him and began there questioning.  Mainly, why was he in Whitehorn?  Answer: His uncle, General Paingl, sent him to take the scroll so that he can use it as a weapon in the Shade army.  After extensive bargaining for his life, and threatening the wrath of Paingl the group was on the verge of making a deal with him and setting him free.  In a brief fit of wrath, Netheral cut Mangl's throat, offering no explanation except that he could not be trusted. 

Siege on Whitehorn...

    While preparing to travel back to Oakhurst, the adventurers found themselves trapped in Whitehorn as a force of aberrations from the Border Forest led by a beholder laid siege on the city.  For several days the Gray Guard attempted to get outriders past the aberrations to call for help from the Iceaxe Dwarves in the northern mountains.  Knowing that you few, but mighty, strangers are needing to get back to Oakhurst to cure a friend of supplicancy the Gray Gurad devised a plan to draw the Beholder and the bulk of it's forces to the main gates while you punch a hole through the eastern wall allowing a few outriders and yourselves to escape Whitehorn.
    After a difficult battle with foes you have never seen the likes of before, oak blights and an etheral filcher being commanded by a blackwood dryad, you manage to punch through an get several outriders past the forces.  Reluctantly, Belros Milner, Paladin of Corellon Larethian, had to turn his back on his new found allies but not before earning his place as one of the Gray Guard of Whitehorn.  
    The group also seemed to have gained what they hope to be another ally in there quest to stop the Gulthias.  
    Netheral Coitus, fearing what could lie in store for him back in the Empire of Shade decided his best route could be with this eclectic band of adventurers.  After all, he would never have found the scroll that nearly cost him his life if it weren't for them.

Lathander's Darkened Temple...

    On the road back to Oakhurst they realized that the trade route through the ride was not as safe as it used to be, a small band of goblins from the dragonspine mountains descended upon them.  After easily dispatching of these week foes, they continued their journey to Oakhurst.
            Just outside of town they found the dessicated body of the local blacksmith, the dwarf Rurik Lutgehr.  A quick search of Rurik revealed two small puncture wounds, making them wary of vampires in the area.  Upon entering Oakhurst, they soon realized that there was indeed a problem.  The only residents left in the entire town were all packed into the Ol’ Boar Inn.  They refused to let anyone in for fear that they were “nightwalkers”.
            Curious of the fate the two supplicant the left behind they continued to the Temple of Lathander.  Finding the once luminous temple shrouded in darkness, they once again battled Sir Bradford, now turned into a vampire.  After defeating the supplicant vampire Sir Bradford they started to cleansing the temple of the vampire taint.  The next morning, dawn revealed to Elexan the entrance to the vault below where he prayed the Relic of Lathander that he faithfully brought here would still be safe.  To his everlasting relief, Elexan foun the Dawnbringer, safe in the vault below.  Although once he secured the Relic, he heard a voice in his head he never hoped to hear again.  “I do so enjoy the hunt” Vampire Lord Ambrogio cackled.

Planar Travel...

    Out of nowhere Vampire Lord Ambrogio appeared with Corkie Nackle, the temple priest, beaten near to death, in his grasp.  Ambrogio dropped Corkie and began his violent assault, between his swift strikes, shadow duplicates, and worst of all, controlling the will of Netheral then turning him against you, his victory seemed assured.  That is, until Corkie with his last bit of strength reached to a hidden lever that caused the only escape to collapse from a flood of water meant to slay Ambrogio.  Unfortunately, still controlled by Ambrogio’s will, Netheral was just able to rescue Ambrogio.  Leaving the group in a watery grave.
            At some point, amid the confusion of drowning, they found themselves in a strange plane of floating rocks.  They recognized it as the astral plane, a conduit between Faerun and the outer planes.  Although typically bypassed completely by those that die on there journey to there final resting place, this place seemed to have a trap set in the conduit by astral kenku’s, a birdlike creature that preys on passing souls in the astral plane.  The adventurer’s fought there way through the astral kenkus and found that there was a portal to an outer plane keyed to each one of them that only they could travel through.  Just when it seemed Searos would be the only one left to the fate of the Kenku’s, Netheral found himself ejected into the Astral plane and was able to help Searos make it to a portal and then make it to his own.

    Once in the outer planes, some of the group found there eternal home to be less  than pleasant, especially for the godless who were left to be claimed by any deity or plane that would accept them.
 Searos' was claimed by Asmodeus, Overlord of the Nine Hells of Baator.  
 Netheral found himself trapped in the cold dark Tarterian Depths of Carceri.
 Finwe was imprisoned in the Black Bastion of Bane in Acheron.
    Although for the faithful few, a different fate awaited them.
 Belros was taken by Corellon Larethian.  He was confronted by an Avator of Correlon and given the option to rest eternally in the Olympian Glades of Arborea or to further serve Corellon in Faerun by returning to Faerun to fight against the Gulthias and the evil it is fostering in the Border Forest.
 Elexan was met by Corkie Nackle, the temple priest at a temple of light in the Blessed Isles if Thalasia in Elysium.  Although they had both earned an eternal resting place in Elysium, Lathander had more another quest for Elexan and his recent allies back in Faerun.  So began Corkie Nackles work of retrieving the other souls that were claimed in the outer planes.
    After some time, they were all brought or sent to the Isles of the Blessed  in Elysium, home of Lathander the Morninglord.  Some souls, Netheral & Searos, required bartering to save them from there dark prisons.  In Elysium, they learned the reason for there rescue and in exchange were placed on a quest to return to Faerun and rid it of the evil Vampire Lord Ambrogio.
    Curiously, Finwe never came to Elysium but did return to Fearun with the rest of the group.

Oakhurst, Winter 995...

    Back in faerun they found themselves naked and freezing the the temple vault were they died.  The exit was frozen over and the corpses from there previous life were still in the vault, skeletons inside of what they had on them when they died.  After retrieving their gear, they broke there way through the frozen tunnel and climbed out to the surface to find themselves in the middle of a brutally cold winter.  In Oakhurst they learned that they had been missing for over two years.  Since then much had changed, the vampire attacks ceased, but many other strange things began happening.  Sir Bradford returned from the temple of lathander and has since then declared himself  Lord over the lands surrounding Oakhurst and taken residence in the old Hucrele estate.  He soon changed his title to Lord Bradford.  A dark chill now surrounded the estate that no sane person dared to go near, save a few strange new travelers that would come and go at night.
    Upon arriving at the Hucrele estate they realized it was no longer the once immaculate and well tended grounds they remembered.  Vines and overgrowth had overtaken most of the doors and windows.  Cautiously they entered through the unlocked front door, to encounter a deathly silence and dark corridors.  In the eastern corridor they found what used to be the kitchen turned into a fully functional forge and annexed to the kitchen a small storage space with a closed coffin.  Belros slowly opened the coffin to find a sleeping vampire, it was Rurik Lutgher, the dwarf forgemaster of Oakhurst.  Quickly Elexan pierced his heart with a wooden stake, paralyzing him.  Searching his belongings revealed that in his two year of undeath he had become quite accomplished at imbuing his weapons and armor with magical enchantments.
    In the main gallery the group was shocked to find the source of the corruption was not only Lord Bradford but another Gulthias Tree.  The battle that ensued proved to be more difficult than previous battles with the Gulthias, not only did they have the vampire to contend with but the tree had filled the room with sharp undergrowth that was attacking them.  Lord Bradford's hatred of all things good, especially Belros, did not prevail that day.  After pouring all of his hatred in attempting to slay the paladin he was still defeating by the adventurers, turning ethereal and fleeing to the sanctuary of his coffin to recover.
    The group then decided it was well time to head back to Oakhurst, to recover from the battle.  Fortunatley, knowing the ways of vampires, Elexan was able to convince the group they needed to finish there work with Lord Bradford here before he had a chance to regenerate.  High up in the tower behind the gallery they found his coffin, locked, trapped.  Luck was not on Searos' side as he tried to disable the magical trap and instead caused a hail storm to erupt inside the tower.  After almost killing him, Searos was hesitant to have another try at the coffin.  Though low on healing spells, Elexan decided to accompany Searos to help protect him should he fail to disarm the trap.  Fortunately, the extent of Elexan's healign ability was not tested as Searos deftly disabled the trap this time.  Almost as soon as Elexan slid the lid from the coffin, Lord Bradford's partially regenerated body lunged for his throat.  Another wooden stake quickly ended the threat of Lord Bradford.
    After some debate, they decided to attempt to try a resurrection on Lord Bradford to remove the vampirism.  A powerful spell that Elexan had never attempted before, even with a scroll success was unsure.  Luck again was on there side as Sir Bradford came back, cured of vampirism but still a loyal supplicant of Gulthias.  It was time to test the theory that consuming an entire summer fruit would cure the supplicancy.  A mind control spell quickly convinced Bradford the supplicant to consume the summer fruit.  A day later the supplicant of Gulthias, Vampire Lord Bradford, was no more.  It was just Sir Bradford, Paladin of Lathander.  Seeking atonement for all that had happened, he vowed to stay in Oakhurst rebuilding the temple to Lathander.  Praying that one day Lathander would forgive him for his failure.
    In one final stroke of luck Elexan was able to resurrect Rurik Lutgher with there only remaining Scroll of Resurrection.

A Long Journey...

    The Ride can be an unfogiving host in the dead of winter, especially during a storm when wind chills can drop to 50 below.  This was no deterrent for the adventurers as they prepared for there trip to find and slay Vampire Lord Ambrogio.  During there several week stay in Oakhurst, they were able clea up the Hucrele Estate, now in the possession of Belros by decree of the Gray Guard, and use it for lodging.  Also, Rurik was able to forge together the two magical longswords Belros had acquired into one mighty greatsword.
    Before heading south, the group felt it important to check in at Whitehorn.  Once in Whitehorn theay were able to inform the Gray Guard that the summer fruit can indeed cure the supplicancy.  They also learned of a great wall being built along the Western border of the Ride to protect them from the Border Forest and the growing threat of Gulthias.  Anyone left living outside the western side of the wall will be left to fend for themselves.
   After much debate, the group decided to go around the eastern edge of the Dragonspine mountains to the Hamlet of Stonestar, then south to Phlan to find passage on a ship bound for Scardale in the spring, then travel west to Blackfeather Bridge, home of Elexan and Ambrogio.


          They had just agreed to help the small hamlet of Stonestar vanquish a threat far beyond there tiny militia could handle.  The blue dragon Dalbinth had recently settled in north of the village below the abandoned Stonestar Tower.  The starving villagers, in the middle of a harsh, winter were being extorted by the evil dragon for “protection”.  At time not being able to pay the dragons always steep sum, villagers would often go missing.  The adventurers being the kind-hearted folk they are, having nothing to do with the thought of a dragon hoard, bravely ventured into the depths of the Stonestar tower to face this new foe.
            Once encountered they faced a threat like they have never met before, for dragons are not a thing to be trifled with, especially when concerning their treasure.  During battle heavy blows were landed, knocking out Searos and Elexan.  Finally a powerful blow from Belros caused the dragon to flee out an arcane portal.
            With a moment of rest, they were able to help several of the villagers that previously went missing escape from a cage in the lair.  Also, they met a formidable companion, Hans Doombringer.  Although that was not his given name, Hans’ parent were drow renegade form the underdark, following a trail to find his lost sister Hans ended up in Stonestar and learned that Dalbinth had likely abducted her.  Foolishly, alone Hans took up arms against Dalbinth, and quickly became another of Dalbinth’s prisoners.  While imprisoned he learned that the dragon had been breaking the will of the villagers and then selling them to the Zhentarim Slavers.  Fortunatley, they also learned of the dragon’s secret hoard in the underwater tunnel.  After almost losing Elexan forever in an underground eddy, they were able to find the dragon’s hoard along with the Hans’ battle gear and the villager’s meager wealth, which some members of the group still found it quite difficult to part with.  In a special compartment of the hidden dragon hoard they found something unique, a set of black masks, bearing resemblance to a panthers.  After looking at the masks closely they all decided they were magical items of significant value.  After each of them dawned there mask it became apparent that they would then be known as the Black Panthers.
            With an extensive looting of Dalbinth’s hoard they finally decided to leave out of the arcane portal only to be confronted by a very angry blue dragon, although beaten badly he was circling the Stonestar tower determined to put an end to these impudent adventurers.  After ending poorly for Dalbinth and a good nights rest in Stonestar, they found themselves on a cold journey to Phlan having acquired another member in the group, Hans, for Phlan would be  on the journey back to the Zhentil Keep, where the slavers were surely taking his sister.

Krimson Klan of Kanines...

            Once in Phlan the adventurers quickly ran into various intrigues.  They split up; Belros, Searos, & Netheral going with Hans to look for his sister in the Slum Markets.  While Finwe & Elexan went to secure lodging for the winter.  Unknown to Finwe & Elexan was the terrible business the others were quickly ensared in.  While looking for lodging they learned quickly that the Black Panther masks they were wearing meant something in Phlan.
            The Black Panthers are an elite group that operates in the background of Phlan, stealthily weaving there net of justice through out the streets.  They found there way to one of the guilds safe-hosues and learned that the slums are an extremely dangerous area for the Black Panthers, for that area of Phlan is still under the grip of the Krimson Klan of Kanine.  Of particular danger is the Cracked Crown Inn where Yaro, founder of the Black Panthers was currently under cover.
            Venturing to the Cracked Crown quickly turned to chaos as the Krimson Klan Gnolls deep hatred of the Black Panthers quickly turned to battle.
            They were able to win the battle in the Cracked crown and gain the allegiance of Yaro, then learn the whereabouts of the Gnoll slaver camp outside of Phlan.
            With the aid of Yaro, the mighty Paladin of Bahamut, they swiftly dispatched of the small Gnoll camp and questioned there shaman.  They learned that the others had a divine enchantment placed upon them.  Bending there will to that of the Gnoll diety Yeenoghu and were sent to run an Ice Skiff bound for Zentil Keep.

The Frozen Sea...

          They had just awakened from a powerful mental enslavement to find them selves manning and Ice Skiff bound for Zhentil Keep.  Catching the gnoll captain by surprise they quickly commandeered the vessel.  Being late in the evening they decided to sleep in the tiny shelter on the skiff.  In the morning they woke to find there allies approaching  from the east and a small wisp of smoke rising from the south.  Now with two ice skiff at the ready, they decided to split up, half of them heading back to Phlan and the other half going to check on the smoke to the south.  Upon approaching the smoke they found it to be another skiff, although apparently busted.  Within, they found the ravenous gnoll captain, who had apparently been out here for weeks.  The gnoll captain, in his weekened state was no match for the and upon searching his corpse and the skiff, Hans found a magical family amulet that was passed down to his sister.  The plot thickens, on the skiff they also find the gnawed bones of a small elven girl, Dun dun dun.  Although, using speak with dead, Elexan was able to reveal to Hans that the elf meal was not in fact his sister.  For now it appears that Hans’ search for his sister has gone cold, in the middle of a frozen sea.
            Now it’s back to Phlan for our weary adventurers to rest and ready themselves for there journey to find and slay Lord Ambrogio of Blackfeather Bridge.

The Bell in the Deep...

          While in Phlan they were quickly able to gain passage on the first vessel leaving Phlan.  The ship was a small pirate hunting vessel by the name of Blue Nixie, bound for Westgate in the Sea of Fallen Stars far to the south.  They are to meet with the Galleon Chrysanthe, bound for Zhentil Keep, and escort it safely north.  the groupt agreed on the condition that they coudl layover in Scardale on their way north for ten days, for they have there own business to attend to in that area.
          Out at sea, most of the days passed by uneventfully, except for the night they encountered The Bell in The Deep, and ancient curse form a long sunken city.  The constant tolling of the ghoslty bell was rumored by many sailors of the Moonsea to drive more than a few brave souls insane.  After learning of the source of the curse, some goblin gold that was purposefully stashed aboard the ship by a crew mate by the name of Leover.  Once they confronted Leover they painfully learned of his potency as an illusionist.  More infamously known as Leover "the liar" Arcanesmith, a mage from the north that often takes mercenary jobs.  Searos was able to pick his pocket for an interesting trinket, a valuable piece of jewelry that the Elexan and Belros immediately noticed as a Holy Symbol of Moander.  What does it mean?  Was Leover hired by the Cult of Gulthias to track them down or was it simply the loot from one of Leover's previous victims.  It seems it may be some time before the Black Panthers learn of Leover's intentions, for Leover's distarction lasted just long enough for the Blue Nixie to be lead into the waiting trap of an Aboleth, a powerful psionic aquatic aberration and Leover made his escape as the group confronted this new potent foe.  Not understanding the dangers of the underwater battle, our heroes nearly lost the entire crew of the Blue Nixie, but fate was on their side and they were able to defeat the Aboleth and save most of the crew.
          After defeating the Aboleth and confronting the Bell Guardian, the source of the tolling bell.  The foudn that his mind was under control of the Aboleth and that the aberration they just fought was mearly a pawn of a Myrmyxal, a mighty demon that has laid claim to this sunken city.  The Bell Guardian warned them to flee, but too late, the Mymyxal was already approaching, a demon that would easily slay the heroes.  Fortunately the Bell Guardian's mind was now his own and he understood the secrets of the Bell, which was originally built as a Mithal to protect the once proud trading port.  With the aid of the Bell Guardian and the Mithal, and epic battle ensued that surely woudl have ended in disaster, had the Blue Nixie being inspired by the Heroes bravery not turned back and hooked the Myrmyxal with it's anchor.  Entangling it just long enough for Searos to throw a dagger, with a poisonous Gulthias winter fruit, into the open maw of the beast.  Now convulsing in pain the group was able to finally slay the Myrmyxal.
          Being freed from the Aboleth and the Myrmyxal the Bell Guardian was finally able to leave Faerun for his eternal resting place, but not before releasing the power of the Mithal into the several magic items as a reward for their part in slaying the beast.

Blackfeather Bridge...

          The remainder of the journey went by fairly uneventful and the adventurers earned well deserved rest once in Westgate as the Galleon Chrysanthe still had several weeks before setting sail for Zhentil Keep.  With the warm weather and a steady breeze the Blue Nixie and Chrysanthe both docked in Scardale to re-supply and give the Black Panthers a few days to handle some personal matters to the west in Blackfeather Bridge.
          What normally would have been an uneventful and safe route between Scardale and Blackfeather bridge turned out to be quite safe, having only been bothered by a small band of wandering goblins, but turned out to be quite eventful with the appearance of Elminster.
          Elminster appeared on a sacred quest to offer the favor of Mystra, a close ally with Corellin, to Belros Milner.  Understanding the great honor this meant, Belros readily accepted the honor and was granted access to several of the arcane powers the weave has to offer.  Elminster, once having been a thief himself rewarded Searos with a Figurine of Wondrous Power, a Dire Badger mount.  Finally, he gave Elexan, being a huge fan of Elminster, his autograph; magically inscribed upon an item of his own choosing.
    Upon arriving in Blackfeather Bridge it was not the small bustling trade town Elexan once remembered.  All the doors and windows were shut, with no one on the streets.  Finally Elexan was able to find a past acquaintance who informed them of the darkness that befell the town after Ambrogio's return near two summers ago.  The city hall was recently over-run by ghouls and ghasts, but worse a dark mage took control of the bridge and allows none passage, save if they pay a steep toll.  Those who cannot pay never return and Lord Ambrogio the always recluse but powerful peacekeeper has done nothing while the outside of hi manor falls to ruin.
          The adventurers decided to first handle the undead infestation in town and in the process saved several villagers trapped in the town hall.  Having earned great favor from the town, they were granted free room and board whenever they desire.  But there great deeds did not end there, as at sunrise the next morning they went to confront this "dark mage" and were shocked to find that it was Netheral, but he was turned undead.  In fact he was a sentient vampire controlling several other lesser spawns of hi own creation.  A battle quickly ensued as Elexan and Belros began pummelign the lesser spawn with the positive energy or Lathander and Correlon.  After destroying nearly all the lesser spawn Netheral pleaded they stop and let him leave peacefully, in return, he would get them safely into Ambrogio's Manor for he greatly desired to be free of his bondage to Ambrigio.  Although he could not step inside the manor for Ambrogio's control over him would surely take hold.
           True to their word Vempire Netheral showed them a safe way in, then Elexan and Belros allowed the foul corruption of life to leave.

Ambrogio Manor...

          The ancient bulding speaks of wealth far beyond what the small village of Blackfeather Bridge could ever support.  Odd collections of artwork and other strange trinkets litter every corner, while some rooms are kept in immaculate condition, other have fallen into complete disarray.  You encounter several vampire spawn while exploring and stealthfully dispatch of them, moving onto the helpless spawn still sleeping in there coffins.  You found another room, possibly once a chapel of an old diety, now defiled by the undead.  Two more vampire spawn were at the altar, doing the vile work of filling small jars with the blood of a human sacrificed on the altar.  Unfortunately, nothing more could be done for the poor soul, but to burn his corpse so it could not come back as some undead mockery of life.  On the second floor, an intricate magical trap guarded a locked door, the lock was easy enough to open, but being well hidden Searos unknowingly triggered the trap.  A horrific scream emanated from the door, known by some as the Wail of the Banshee, greatly crippling the party and nearly killing a few.  Fortunately, the door led to Netheral's study, where he was apparently doing research on the Gulthias for Ambrogio, also you found and destroyed his coffin.  As evening drew near, the adventurer headed back to town for some time to recover, fearing confrontation with Ambrogio at night and in there weakened state.
          The next morning was as bright and beautiful as any, but the dark manor stood in stark contrast and stole the peace from their hearts as they approached.  Oddly, the back door to the manor was still open and unlocked and they were able to enter without confrontation.  As they entered, they heard commotion from the tower section of the manor.  After deftly disabling the potent glyph ward on the door to the tower only to find an empty study.  A quick search of the shelves and they found several useful arcane tomes and scrolls, but a quick search of the desk, warded with a magical barrier sent swarm after swarm of demonets, battling through them they were able to destroy the source, a demonhive queen.  Just before leaving the tower they heard the screams of battle below them.  Finwe recognized one of the voices as Yaro and they began frantically searching for a way to get to him.  With his elf senses, Finwe soon found the secret door behind a bookcase and Searos with a cursory glance decided the door was neither locked nor trapped and they rushed down to the tower cellars to find Yaro embroiled in a losing battle against two Amnizu, formidable devils from the Nine Hells.  Rushing to Yaro's aid the tide was turned and the Amnizu overwhelmed.  Yaro then explained to them that he was searching for his lost friend, Farkonn, a Dragon Lancer of Bahamut.  His trail went cold in Hillsfar and through divination he learned of Farkonn haveing been held captive in this room, for which he paid a sizable sum of gold and small amount of his life force to be teleported here.  Seeming as though fate brought them together once again the Black Panthers ventured down deep into the caves belwo the tower to find the source of the strange demonic and devilish creations.  For undergroudn they entered the realm of Mazuth the Bonesaw Mage.  Having augmented his own body with the fiendish traits of a chain devil, Mazuth was no small challenge.  Nor were his foul creations, prominently Farkonn's once beloved dragon mount turned undead and a grotesque creature known by few as a Labia Golem.  Worse still, Mazuth used the skeletal dragon, now known as Boneshaker as a prison for Farkonn, now transformed into a twisted type of half-fiend.  The ensuing battle did not go well for Mazuth, having been surprised by the adventurers he quickly retreated to a deeper cave with Boneshaker, leaving his plethora of creature to deal with the intruders.  What Mazuth didn't know was Yaro's unique ability to turn into a dragon.  Carrying Finwe, Yaro took flight, pursuing Mazuth and Boneshaker, determined to exact his revenge up on them.  In there weakened stat Mazuth and Boneshaker were defeated by the Monk and Paladin at the source of the twisted mages fiendish power, a fiendish node of arcane power.  Back in Mazuths' sanctuary, Elexan, Belros, Searos, and Hans frantically battled, nearly losing Belros to the Labia Golem.  Fortunately they prevailed and found a strange coffin, apparently one of Ambrogios, and destroyed it.  After regrouping and destroying the rest of the strange caged fiend, they left Mazuth's laboratory with a tormented Farkonn, hoping to never return.
          While continuing there search for Ambrogio, they ran into yet another ghastly creation.  For Elexan, possibly the most terrifying of all, for his wife Mira was turned into one of Ambrogio's undead monstrosities  Her body long gone, she now possessed the nature of a wraith, with every hit draining the life force from them.  Not wanting to see her go but finally granting her final wish for release it was Elexan that landed the final blow, and in here release she bestowed upon him much of the life she had stolen over the years.  With a heavy heart, Elexan led them back to town to recover from the draining battle, determined to finally end the vampire lord's existence.  While adventuring into the catacombs of Amrogio’s Manor, following Elexan’s Lead, they went to confront Ambrogio.  Once in the basement, things were not as Elexan Remembered, where Amborgio’s vault once stood now held an underground chapel of bones.  An imposing undead known as a Skull Lord guarding one of Ambrogio’s coffins.  Although victorious, Farkonn and Elexan were both lost during the battle when the Skull Lord struck them with his magically enhanced bone shard.  They soon learned another perilous trick of the skull lord, the bone chapel was being supported by his existence and it began collapsing.  Fortunately Searos was able to find a secret tunnel leading deeper underground.  The worked stairwell was filled with traps and holes littering the floors, walls and ceiling; just large enough for a small human to fit in.  After getting through the treacherous passage, they found Farkonn just finishing a summoning ritual, bringing forth two demons known as Jovoc's.  Once engaged with the Jovoc's, Farkonn began his powerful aerial assault, primarly against Yaro.  Soon the true threat, and mystery of the holes, appeared.  An Adaru, a powerful demon, likely controlling the will of Farkonn, began his swift assault.  The strange worklike demon darted in and out of it's holes, striking quickly with it's venomous fangs and spreading it's always spreading a nauseating fetid cloud.  Fortunately, they were able to beat back the demon's as Yaro struggled to avoid the potent attacks of his old friend Farkonn.  With the Adaru banished, Farkonn was able to regain some semblance of control and cease his attacks.  A serach of the deep catacomb revealed the source of the fiend, below the summoning circle they found a well of wishes, which they used to not only cure Farkonn's fiendish affliction, but reverse it into a celestial blessing.  Now it's off to find Elexan and Ambrogio.
          Hearing his screams of agony coming from the rooms beyond the blood altar, it did not take long to locate Elexan.  That room was a more horrific version of the blood altar.  Elexan was suspended from the ceiling by chains magically enchanted to bite into his flesh a keep hi blood flowing and down it fell into the waiting gullet of a Bloodfire Hulk.  Jumping to to battle this grotesque blood-gorged moster turned to be more dangerous than expected, as every slashing or piercing blow sent it's blood gushing forth only to form into a lesser ooze known as a Bloodfire Oozeling.  As they struggled to stay alive, Belros landed a powerfully enchanted smite to finally destroy the Hulk and subsequently removing much of the oozelings potency.  Farkonn was quick to heal the remaining survivors locked in a cage and escort them to safety in town.  Thet were only allowed a moments rest before tehy heard yet more noises coming from the 2nd floor.  Stealthfully approaching the doors, they could hear the sounds of large objects being move on the other side.  They prepared for what lay beyond as Searos carefully picked the locked and disarmed the trap on the door.  Once in the room, he noticed the luxurious décor, everything fit for royalty, many candles still burning on ornate tables, elaborate bookshelves lining the walls, an empty space just the right size for a coffin...  That is, he would have noticed if it wasn’t for that deathly cold grin and those souless eyes staring down toward the door.  A chill ran through the adventurers as they heard Amrogio in their minds taunting them.  Jsut as they rushed in, he disappeared, laughing, as the candles flared to life ingniting the walls and hallway behind them as Searos headed for the only way out, a spiral stair leading to the roof.  In the blistering heat Searos worked the lock on the trapped door, as close behind him Yaro kept him alive with mild heal spells.  Once breached, they rushed through to the roof from the blazing inferno only to find themselves surround by a multitude of undead archers, a huge skeletal cyclops archer, ans worst of all a Vitreous Drinker, summing dozens of ethereal ravens.  As finwe focused his attacks on the cyclops archer, Elexan and Yaro worked to keep the ethereal ravens at bay, for their mere touch would steal life from victims and give it to their master, leaving Searos and Hans to focus their attacks on the Vitreous Drinker.  As victory was in sight, they learned it to be a hollow win, as they saw Ambrogio's carriage speeding away, pulled by 6 nightmare steeds, with his coffin and Netheral in tow.  Back in town and resting as Ambrogio Manor burned to the ground, they had some time to review some of Ambrogio's tomes and found that he is heading to the Border Forest with Netheral to assist in the resurrection of Moander.  While most of the group decided to head to Sccardale as fast as they could to stop the Blue nixie from leaving them behind, Elexan and Belros chose to stay behind and follow Ambrogio's trail.


          After waiting in Scardale for several days, Finwe, Yaro, Hand and Searos decided that Belros and Elexan had taken far too long to arrive.  They also learned that Ambrogio had ridden into Scardale the night before and quickly booked passage on a ship traveling north, leaving port just in time to avoid a large storm coming in from the east.  Consequently, this has delayed the Blue Nixie from escorting the Galleon, Chrysanthe, for severl more day.  They decide to use this time to search for the other two.  On their way back west, they run into one of Ambrogio’s many creations.  In a small outpost known as Evanlow, he turned the two guards garrisoned their into vampire spawn.  Arriving just in time, they were able to save most of Evanlow’s meager number of inhabitants and secure a place for them to rest for the night.  In the predawn hours they awoke to a tremendous blast and blinding light from the west. 
          Similarly, Belros and Elexan awoke to the same blast, but for them it was from the east.  Belros and Elexan were first to arrive at the source, a crater with a glowing object in the center.  Upon seeing the glowing mass, Belros fell into a trance, seeing himself forging a sword of Corellon from the glowing mass, now recognizable as starmetal, an extremetly rare and valuable material.  Upon waking from his trance, the sun was high in the sky and Elexan was no longer by his side.  Of more immediate concern was the small orc horde charging into the crater, intent on retrieving the starmetal.  Unbeknownst to Belros, his allies, Finwe, Yaro, Hans and Searos, were far to the distance in the east and had just come in sight of the large crater and orc horde.