The Frozen Sea...

          They had just awakened from a powerful mental enslavement to find them selves manning and Ice Skiff bound for Zhentil Keep.  Catching the gnoll captain by surprise they quickly commandeered the vessel.  Being late in the evening they decided to sleep in the tiny shelter on the skiff.  In the morning they woke to find there allies approaching  from the east and a small wisp of smoke rising from the south.  Now with two ice skiff at the ready, they decided to split up, half of them heading back to Phlan and the other half going to check on the smoke to the south.  Upon approaching the smoke they found it to be another skiff, although apparently busted.  Within, they found the ravenous gnoll captain, who had apparently been out here for weeks.  The gnoll captain, in his weekened state was no match for the and upon searching his corpse and the skiff, Hans found a magical family amulet that was passed down to his sister.  The plot thickens, on the skiff they also find the gnawed bones of a small elven girl, Dun dun dun.  Although, using speak with dead, Elexan was able to reveal to Hans that the elf meal was not in fact his sister.  For now it appears that Hans’ search for his sister has gone cold, in the middle of a frozen sea.
            Now it’s back to Phlan for our weary adventurers to rest and ready themselves for there journey to find and slay Lord Ambrogio of Blackfeather Bridge.