Ambrogio Manor...

          The ancient bulding speaks of wealth far beyond what the small village of Blackfeather Bridge could ever support.  Odd collections of artwork and other strange trinkets litter every corner, while some rooms are kept in immaculate condition, other have fallen into complete disarray.  You encounter several vampire spawn while exploring and stealthfully dispatch of them, moving onto the helpless spawn still sleeping in there coffins.  You found another room, possibly once a chapel of an old diety, now defiled by the undead.  Two more vampire spawn were at the altar, doing the vile work of filling small jars with the blood of a human sacrificed on the altar.  Unfortunately, nothing more could be done for the poor soul, but to burn his corpse so it could not come back as some undead mockery of life.  On the second floor, an intricate magical trap guarded a locked door, the lock was easy enough to open, but being well hidden Searos unknowingly triggered the trap.  A horrific scream emanated from the door, known by some as the Wail of the Banshee, greatly crippling the party and nearly killing a few.  Fortunately, the door led to Netheral's study, where he was apparently doing research on the Gulthias for Ambrogio, also you found and destroyed his coffin.  As evening drew near, the adventurer headed back to town for some time to recover, fearing confrontation with Ambrogio at night and in there weakened state.
          The next morning was as bright and beautiful as any, but the dark manor stood in stark contrast and stole the peace from their hearts as they approached.  Oddly, the back door to the manor was still open and unlocked and they were able to enter without confrontation.  As they entered, they heard commotion from the tower section of the manor.  After deftly disabling the potent glyph ward on the door to the tower only to find an empty study.  A quick search of the shelves and they found several useful arcane tomes and scrolls, but a quick search of the desk, warded with a magical barrier sent swarm after swarm of demonets, battling through them they were able to destroy the source, a demonhive queen.  Just before leaving the tower they heard the screams of battle below them.  Finwe recognized one of the voices as Yaro and they began frantically searching for a way to get to him.  With his elf senses, Finwe soon found the secret door behind a bookcase and Searos with a cursory glance decided the door was neither locked nor trapped and they rushed down to the tower cellars to find Yaro embroiled in a losing battle against two Amnizu, formidable devils from the Nine Hells.  Rushing to Yaro's aid the tide was turned and the Amnizu overwhelmed.  Yaro then explained to them that he was searching for his lost friend, Farkonn, a Dragon Lancer of Bahamut.  His trail went cold in Hillsfar and through divination he learned of Farkonn haveing been held captive in this room, for which he paid a sizable sum of gold and small amount of his life force to be teleported here.  Seeming as though fate brought them together once again the Black Panthers ventured down deep into the caves belwo the tower to find the source of the strange demonic and devilish creations.  For undergroudn they entered the realm of Mazuth the Bonesaw Mage.  Having augmented his own body with the fiendish traits of a chain devil, Mazuth was no small challenge.  Nor were his foul creations, prominently Farkonn's once beloved dragon mount turned undead and a grotesque creature known by few as a Labia Golem.  Worse still, Mazuth used the skeletal dragon, now known as Boneshaker as a prison for Farkonn, now transformed into a twisted type of half-fiend.  The ensuing battle did not go well for Mazuth, having been surprised by the adventurers he quickly retreated to a deeper cave with Boneshaker, leaving his plethora of creature to deal with the intruders.  What Mazuth didn't know was Yaro's unique ability to turn into a dragon.  Carrying Finwe, Yaro took flight, pursuing Mazuth and Boneshaker, determined to exact his revenge up on them.  In there weakened stat Mazuth and Boneshaker were defeated by the Monk and Paladin at the source of the twisted mages fiendish power, a fiendish node of arcane power.  Back in Mazuths' sanctuary, Elexan, Belros, Searos, and Hans frantically battled, nearly losing Belros to the Labia Golem.  Fortunately they prevailed and found a strange coffin, apparently one of Ambrogios, and destroyed it.  After regrouping and destroying the rest of the strange caged fiend, they left Mazuth's laboratory with a tormented Farkonn, hoping to never return.
          While continuing there search for Ambrogio, they ran into yet another ghastly creation.  For Elexan, possibly the most terrifying of all, for his wife Mira was turned into one of Ambrogio's undead monstrosities  Her body long gone, she now possessed the nature of a wraith, with every hit draining the life force from them.  Not wanting to see her go but finally granting her final wish for release it was Elexan that landed the final blow, and in here release she bestowed upon him much of the life she had stolen over the years.  With a heavy heart, Elexan led them back to town to recover from the draining battle, determined to finally end the vampire lord's existence.  While adventuring into the catacombs of Amrogio’s Manor, following Elexan’s Lead, they went to confront Ambrogio.  Once in the basement, things were not as Elexan Remembered, where Amborgio’s vault once stood now held an underground chapel of bones.  An imposing undead known as a Skull Lord guarding one of Ambrogio’s coffins.  Although victorious, Farkonn and Elexan were both lost during the battle when the Skull Lord struck them with his magically enhanced bone shard.  They soon learned another perilous trick of the skull lord, the bone chapel was being supported by his existence and it began collapsing.  Fortunately Searos was able to find a secret tunnel leading deeper underground.  The worked stairwell was filled with traps and holes littering the floors, walls and ceiling; just large enough for a small human to fit in.  After getting through the treacherous passage, they found Farkonn just finishing a summoning ritual, bringing forth two demons known as Jovoc's.  Once engaged with the Jovoc's, Farkonn began his powerful aerial assault, primarly against Yaro.  Soon the true threat, and mystery of the holes, appeared.  An Adaru, a powerful demon, likely controlling the will of Farkonn, began his swift assault.  The strange worklike demon darted in and out of it's holes, striking quickly with it's venomous fangs and spreading it's always spreading a nauseating fetid cloud.  Fortunately, they were able to beat back the demon's as Yaro struggled to avoid the potent attacks of his old friend Farkonn.  With the Adaru banished, Farkonn was able to regain some semblance of control and cease his attacks.  A serach of the deep catacomb revealed the source of the fiend, below the summoning circle they found a well of wishes, which they used to not only cure Farkonn's fiendish affliction, but reverse it into a celestial blessing.  Now it's off to find Elexan and Ambrogio.
          Hearing his screams of agony coming from the rooms beyond the blood altar, it did not take long to locate Elexan.  That room was a more horrific version of the blood altar.  Elexan was suspended from the ceiling by chains magically enchanted to bite into his flesh a keep hi blood flowing and down it fell into the waiting gullet of a Bloodfire Hulk.  Jumping to to battle this grotesque blood-gorged moster turned to be more dangerous than expected, as every slashing or piercing blow sent it's blood gushing forth only to form into a lesser ooze known as a Bloodfire Oozeling.  As they struggled to stay alive, Belros landed a powerfully enchanted smite to finally destroy the Hulk and subsequently removing much of the oozelings potency.  Farkonn was quick to heal the remaining survivors locked in a cage and escort them to safety in town.  Thet were only allowed a moments rest before tehy heard yet more noises coming from the 2nd floor.  Stealthfully approaching the doors, they could hear the sounds of large objects being move on the other side.  They prepared for what lay beyond as Searos carefully picked the locked and disarmed the trap on the door.  Once in the room, he noticed the luxurious décor, everything fit for royalty, many candles still burning on ornate tables, elaborate bookshelves lining the walls, an empty space just the right size for a coffin...  That is, he would have noticed if it wasn’t for that deathly cold grin and those souless eyes staring down toward the door.  A chill ran through the adventurers as they heard Amrogio in their minds taunting them.  Jsut as they rushed in, he disappeared, laughing, as the candles flared to life ingniting the walls and hallway behind them as Searos headed for the only way out, a spiral stair leading to the roof.  In the blistering heat Searos worked the lock on the trapped door, as close behind him Yaro kept him alive with mild heal spells.  Once breached, they rushed through to the roof from the blazing inferno only to find themselves surround by a multitude of undead archers, a huge skeletal cyclops archer, ans worst of all a Vitreous Drinker, summing dozens of ethereal ravens.  As finwe focused his attacks on the cyclops archer, Elexan and Yaro worked to keep the ethereal ravens at bay, for their mere touch would steal life from victims and give it to their master, leaving Searos and Hans to focus their attacks on the Vitreous Drinker.  As victory was in sight, they learned it to be a hollow win, as they saw Ambrogio's carriage speeding away, pulled by 6 nightmare steeds, with his coffin and Netheral in tow.  Back in town and resting as Ambrogio Manor burned to the ground, they had some time to review some of Ambrogio's tomes and found that he is heading to the Border Forest with Netheral to assist in the resurrection of Moander.  While most of the group decided to head to Sccardale as fast as they could to stop the Blue nixie from leaving them behind, Elexan and Belros chose to stay behind and follow Ambrogio's trail.