The Twilight Grove...

     After another night resting in the lair previously inhabited by kobolds, they venture down into the Twilight Grove.  Mysterious luminescent fungus line many of the walls and ceilings.  They came upon a passage that was lined with smooth circular holes riddling the walls.  Later learning that those holes were created by a Thoqqua, a large burrowing worm creature that can melt the rock around it.  Further into the grove level they fond a library containing much of Belak's research and other tomes containing old draconic lore.
    They found Belak's Grove surrounded by many scraggly trees, most of which looked very similar to the Twig Blights they had encountered earlier.  As they approached Belak's lair, they caught their first sight of a Gulthias Tree.  Soon afer, Finwe crit'ed the shit out of Belak as an amazing opening move.  Sharwyn Hucrele was there, haveing been turned into a supplicant of Gulthias, she had not choice but to obey the Will of Gulthias and fight the heroes.  Belros found the answers to his question of what happened to Sir Bradford; turned into a Supplicant of Gulthias.
    After defeating Sir Bradford in fair combat, Belros Milner relieved the disgraced paladin of the Tabard of Glory he was wearing, vowing never to give into the Will of Gulthias.