Siege on Whitehorn...

    While preparing to travel back to Oakhurst, the adventurers found themselves trapped in Whitehorn as a force of aberrations from the Border Forest led by a beholder laid siege on the city.  For several days the Gray Guard attempted to get outriders past the aberrations to call for help from the Iceaxe Dwarves in the northern mountains.  Knowing that you few, but mighty, strangers are needing to get back to Oakhurst to cure a friend of supplicancy the Gray Gurad devised a plan to draw the Beholder and the bulk of it's forces to the main gates while you punch a hole through the eastern wall allowing a few outriders and yourselves to escape Whitehorn.
    After a difficult battle with foes you have never seen the likes of before, oak blights and an etheral filcher being commanded by a blackwood dryad, you manage to punch through an get several outriders past the forces.  Reluctantly, Belros Milner, Paladin of Corellon Larethian, had to turn his back on his new found allies but not before earning his place as one of the Gray Guard of Whitehorn.  
    The group also seemed to have gained what they hope to be another ally in there quest to stop the Gulthias.  
    Netheral Coitus, fearing what could lie in store for him back in the Empire of Shade decided his best route could be with this eclectic band of adventurers.  After all, he would never have found the scroll that nearly cost him his life if it weren't for them.