The Bell in the Deep...

          While in Phlan they were quickly able to gain passage on the first vessel leaving Phlan.  The ship was a small pirate hunting vessel by the name of Blue Nixie, bound for Westgate in the Sea of Fallen Stars far to the south.  They are to meet with the Galleon Chrysanthe, bound for Zhentil Keep, and escort it safely north.  the groupt agreed on the condition that they coudl layover in Scardale on their way north for ten days, for they have there own business to attend to in that area.
          Out at sea, most of the days passed by uneventfully, except for the night they encountered The Bell in The Deep, and ancient curse form a long sunken city.  The constant tolling of the ghoslty bell was rumored by many sailors of the Moonsea to drive more than a few brave souls insane.  After learning of the source of the curse, some goblin gold that was purposefully stashed aboard the ship by a crew mate by the name of Leover.  Once they confronted Leover they painfully learned of his potency as an illusionist.  More infamously known as Leover "the liar" Arcanesmith, a mage from the north that often takes mercenary jobs.  Searos was able to pick his pocket for an interesting trinket, a valuable piece of jewelry that the Elexan and Belros immediately noticed as a Holy Symbol of Moander.  What does it mean?  Was Leover hired by the Cult of Gulthias to track them down or was it simply the loot from one of Leover's previous victims.  It seems it may be some time before the Black Panthers learn of Leover's intentions, for Leover's distarction lasted just long enough for the Blue Nixie to be lead into the waiting trap of an Aboleth, a powerful psionic aquatic aberration and Leover made his escape as the group confronted this new potent foe.  Not understanding the dangers of the underwater battle, our heroes nearly lost the entire crew of the Blue Nixie, but fate was on their side and they were able to defeat the Aboleth and save most of the crew.
          After defeating the Aboleth and confronting the Bell Guardian, the source of the tolling bell.  The foudn that his mind was under control of the Aboleth and that the aberration they just fought was mearly a pawn of a Myrmyxal, a mighty demon that has laid claim to this sunken city.  The Bell Guardian warned them to flee, but too late, the Mymyxal was already approaching, a demon that would easily slay the heroes.  Fortunately the Bell Guardian's mind was now his own and he understood the secrets of the Bell, which was originally built as a Mithal to protect the once proud trading port.  With the aid of the Bell Guardian and the Mithal, and epic battle ensued that surely woudl have ended in disaster, had the Blue Nixie being inspired by the Heroes bravery not turned back and hooked the Myrmyxal with it's anchor.  Entangling it just long enough for Searos to throw a dagger, with a poisonous Gulthias winter fruit, into the open maw of the beast.  Now convulsing in pain the group was able to finally slay the Myrmyxal.
          Being freed from the Aboleth and the Myrmyxal the Bell Guardian was finally able to leave Faerun for his eternal resting place, but not before releasing the power of the Mithal into the several magic items as a reward for their part in slaying the beast.